Thursday, 6 March 2014

website to solve problem with online purchase

How to File case & Take Refund Online & Offline in Consumer Forum From

Now, helps you file your complaint easily and take refund online and offline easily in Consumer Forum. It is a platform for filling & getting your complaint resolved. You can do it online as well as offline. They take all possible measures to help our customers get their complaints resolved. Their motive is to make sure the customers get a solution or justified response from the brand. 

how to get your online purchase problem solved 

Fill the form

Click Submit

You will get sms of your user name & password

How to do offline-
  1. Give 15 days notice before filling a case
  2. Notice should contain the details of issue including compensation and should be sent by speed post or Registered Post AD, You complaint should have these section a) The contact details of opposite side b) case details c) copy of original bill d)compensation e)An affidavit
  3. You must submit 3 copies of your complaint to the district forum,4 to National consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (NCDRC)
  4. Keep all xeroxed copies of douments

Don’t want to bother with all above time consuming options, here is one more option, where you can file complain easily. Akosha, an online platform for filling & getting your complaint resolved.